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Smiles for Miles railway platform

smiles for miles logo.jpg
night sky render.jpg

This 2nd Year project was to create a design that would bring joy to rail station users, a 'Platform for Joy.'  The concept could be anything we chose, but should take inspiration from the book, 'Joyful'  by Ingrid Fetell Lee.  My design was a canopy with rainbow coloured lighting and interactive screens.  This would be practical as it would give passengers information about their journey and destination whilst providing shelter.  It would also create a feeling of wellbeing and safety through the use of colour and light.  I called my design 'Smile for Miles' and created the above logo.

Initial Design Ideas

The images show my initial hand drawn ideas for the canopy, and develop into a digital representation.

Final Images

My idea incorporates the knowledge that colour and light have a positive effect on mood and wellbeing with a practical element of interactive screens which provides passengers with information about their journey and destination.  The canopies can be used in large or small stations, providing shelter, light and information, the idea being that passengers begin and end each journey with a smile and feeling of wellbeing. 

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