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maison de ma mere

- Final major project -


This page shows images and designs from the Final Major Project of my BA (hons) Interior Design.


Maison de ma Mere is a centre for women who have undergone treatment for breast cancer. It is not a clinic, but a place where they can relax, have fun and rediscover their enjoyment of life.  I spoke to several women whilst researching for this project, and so many spoke of losing their sense of self, of wanting to do normal things, but not feeling part of society. 

My aim in designing the centre was to create a luxurious place in a beautiful and spacious building, focusing on the features that would bring comfort and happiness to women going through or recovering from a very traumatic time.  It would contain specialist facilities such a shop stocking prosthesis and mastectomy underwear and swimwear, a hair salon specialising in wig fitting, loss of hair and regrowth, and a bar where women can relax and chat with other ladies in similar situations.  There would also be a pool and treatment rooms where visitors can relax and be pampered.

I called the centre Maison de ma Mere - 'House of my Mother' - as home is the place we all feel happiest and most comfortable. and this is the impression I wanted to create. 

As you can see from the images, I created a main logo incorporating pink ribbons which symbolise breast cancer care and hummingbirds which symbolise joy, hope and comfort.  I then adapted this  for each area I designed, creating bespoke fabrics and wallcoverings. 

new logo no bg.png
Logo and Main Reception 
motif no background.png
main shop and till.png
changing rooms 2.png
Shop Logo, Interior and Changing Rooms
logo no background.png
Bar Logo and Interior 
decal no bg.png
new wig.png
Hair Salon Logo and Interior 
bar and shop cushions.png
shop wallpaper colour large.png
bar wallpaper large print.png
cancan - Copy.png
Fabric,Wallcovering & Mural Designs
Floorplan & Wayfinding 
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